Not Afraid To Appear Ugly — Institut Français de la Mode x Bataclan

Album cover design
Cover design for the record 'Not Afraid To Appear Ugly' by Amandine Casadamont.
Workshop project in collaboration with le Bataclan in Paris as part of the Fashion Image Master Degree at Institut Français de la Mode in Paris.
Art Direction & Editing: Amandine Casadamont
Record Producer: Guillaume Leingre
Cover design & art direction team: Shana Littley, Eugen Timofejev, Tessa Rose-Vardy, Laure de Richemont
Knitted dress by Johanna Imbach, gloves and dress by Frida Joe, extra long sleeves jacket and pants by Xiayoyan (Sybil) Jiang
« Not Afraid to Appear Ugly » is a 10-minute record art directed by Amandine Casadamont in 2020 in collaboration with the Bataclan and the master students from IFM to co-create and reinterpret the word « ugly » through the making of sounds and lyrics. The concept revolved around finding beauty in ugliness. The aim was to create a chimera of a song that combines ugliness, fantasy and absurdity; a song that makes us reflect on the present. In groups, the Image Master students were consigned to design the album cover and represent the concept of ugliness with images and texts that illustrate the disturbing sounds and the strange lyrics made of the record. Based on the technique of «exquisite corpse», a literary game by which a collection of words or images is collectively assembled, we illustrated the boundaries between beauty and ugliness. The IFM students’ graduation projects in Womenswear, Menswear, Accessories and Knitwear were our chosen visuals for the cover. As for our typography, we used the font «Faune» created by Alice Savoie, who drew her inspiration from the diversity of the animal world. Using the exquisite corpse technique in relation to the world of chimeras, we aimed to propose an image that reframes the idea of « ugliness » and highlights the diversity of the fashion fields within IFM.